TMA Business Seminars Courses
1. EB-5 INVESTMENTS AND FOREIGN CAPITAL: The United States Government has created an excellent investment program in which foreign citizens can invest into U.S. companies and receive a green card for themselves and their family members under the age of 21. The Polin Law Firm is proficient in discussing all issues relevant to your questions as to whether your company will qualify under EB-5. 2. INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS WITH AMERICAN BUSINESSES: How do foreign partners see American opportunities? What is truly negotiable and what is not? This event encompasses and covers many critical points for success, such as: mandatory terms and considerations, culture clashes and redefining “normal business” from U.S. and non-U.S. points of view, U.S. business “reference point” issues, dispute resolution choices, enforceability concerns, venues and laws to be applied. 3. BUSINESS CONTRACTS A to Z: Most business related contracts have many similarities regardless of the industry. Do you know what terms you must have and others you must avoid? What terms will make you money, or cost you money? What terms protect you and what terms leave you vulnerable? What are winning negotiation strategies from a business and trial attorney point of view? Offer, acceptance, consideration, what are the elements you need to have an enforceable agreement? Oral versus written agreements, does it matter? 4. STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS A to Z; ARE YOU READY? Are you buying someone else’s business, or are you starting your own? What are the legal and business considerations for both scenarios? Do you know what to do, and what to expect? Are you ready to make money on your own? Do you know the costs of time and effort? What laws do you need to know? What issues and problems do partners and investors face? 5. CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM, THE NEW PARADIGM FOR BUSINESS AND A POSITIVE TRANSFORMATION: No more “business as usual” but are you ready to embrace the out with the old capitalism system and in with thenew conscious thinking system? How will stewardship and new responsible behavior still make you profits? This event will also cover idealism versus pragmatism, outreach, engagement with the public, and the overall importance and positive impact CC will bring to your life and society as you make a difference to all around you. 6. ESTATE PLANNING; WILLS, TRUSTS, and POWERS OF ATTORNEY FOR BUSINESS OWNERS A to Z: Succession planning issues, do you know your estate planning options? What are the consequences of the wrong choices? What are the benefits of the right choices? Are you ready for the family issues and conflicts? What you need to know to do this right. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-COMPETE AGREEMENTS: What should be in them, and can you enforce them without the court system? These agreements can mean your survival or demise as a business, so be careful to protect yourself and your trade secrets. 8. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LAWSUITS A to Z: If you are seriously considering filing a lawsuit, or if you have been sued, this seminar is critical for your complete understanding of what the litigation process will all entail. After 22 years of trials and the trenches, let me tell you what to expect, from the filing of the suit all the way to the judgment stage. Are you ready for the time, money, and stress? Are you clear on what your end game is? A point for you to consider: money versus making a point. 9. MULTI-LEVEL BUSINESS AND FRANCHISE PURCHASES A to Z: Can you make money and if so, do you know the risks, benefits, and costs? Should you write that check? After this event you will be armed with all the information you need to make this life changing, important decision. 10. INFOMERCIALS: Understanding how Infomercials work. Do you have the next great idea the world is waiting for, and is it right for infomercials? Where you can make money and how you can use infomercials? Do you know the costs, procedures, TV time commitment and all that this program will take? Before you write that check and trust that production company, come to this event and you will be ready for your negotiations. Understand all that your commitment will entail. 11. INTERNET MARKETING FOR THE NEW MEDIA AGE: Do you have any idea what you are missing? Where are all those business leads that are suppose to come to you? Are your opportunities going to another competitor? Are you properly investing in yourself? What should you be doing to grow your business? What are the effects of social media to your marketing? 12. SOCIAL MEDIA AND LINKEDIN: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO CREATE AND FIND YOUR POTENTIAL CLIENTS, EXPERTS, AND PARTNERS: This event will help you understand the top methods for creating your profiles to highlight your accomplishments and attract new businesses to you. How will LinkedIn help you make money and move past your competitors? What is the time and cost to you to be successful with LinkedIn? We will cover new business opportunity issues, introductions to other professionals and how best to use this practice, as well as good due diligence practices so you do not waste time or opportunities. 13. REAL ESTATE INVESTING A to Z: Do you know what you are looking for? What type of properties? Where? What is a good buy or a disaster waiting to happen? Obtain strategic ideas from an attorney who has negotiated on all sides of the investment transactions. 14. STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS: What are structured settlements and how do they protect your money and your future? Do you understand the value and benefits? What is the true cost? Is this right for you and your family? Is your attorney or adviser giving you informed advice? Do you have a serious injury or are you facing a divorce where large financial matters are at issue? You need to understand your options before you sign on that dotted line. 15. INTERNATIONAL CREDIT INSURANCE, DO YOU NEED IT? Whether you are doing business domestically or internationally, you need to understand credit insurance for your business. This event will cover important topics such as, international credit research, collections, trade receivables, finance, and protection. We will also discuss factoring and its benefits to your business. 16. TOP 20 KEY LEGAL AND BUSINESS ANALYSIS/QUESTIONS FOR ALL START UPS AND COMPANIES GETTING READY TO EXPAND: Learn the Top 20 business and legal considerations needed for a start-up to be successful. Have a complete understanding on all that will be expected from you from a legal standpoint. Are you ready? 17. TOP 20 TIPS FOR SUCCESSFULLY DOING BUSINESS INTERNATIONALLY This event will cover the Top 20 tips and critical issues in doing business internationally, such as, culture issues, market entry, contract terms, misunderstandings, problem solving, government issues, getting paid, shipping concerns, intellectual property concerns and an analysis of the do’s and don’ts for Americans who wish to be successful in international business dealings. You will leave this event ready to make your international venture a success. 18. INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (“IP”) ISSUES A to Z This event will go into detail on issues with protection, royalties, license fees, accountings, currency repatriation and other international money concern, and what should your realistic expectations be? What do you know about copyrights, trademarks, and infringements – what are your rights, risks, and benefits? Do they balance in your favor? What are the investor and partnership issues to be aware of? Understanding strategic alliances, what is their value? 19. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AND BUSINESS DUE DILIGENCE This event will open your eyes to doing business internationally, as well as domestically (U.S.). Do you even know where to start due diligence? What are the due-diligence factors to think about? Understanding strategic alliances, what is their value? Do you know who you are dealing with, really? What is the history of your potential partners? What are the past business dealings of your potential partners? What are the risks versus rewards of partnering and doing business internationally? Getting answers to sensitive questions is your path to survival and success, versus facing the titanic. You will leave this event with confidence that you know the right questions to ask and the right elements to look for in a partner. 20. INVESTMENT STRATEGIES: ESTATE & SUCCESSION PLANNING 21. INVESTMENT STRATEGIES: MERGERS & ACQUISTIONS 22. INVESTMENT SERVICES: BUY-SELL AGREEMENTS 23. EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLS AND THE THREE-DAY ROAD TO SUCCESS An analysis of the different business related schools and pricing in San Diego. What are the true values and benefits of this online and offline education with comparisons to four-year universities? What is the new trend of education? Entrepreneurship, are you ready? 24. ENTERTAINMENT CONTRACTS A to Z Record deals, movie deals, TV deals, cell phone content deals. Everything you need to know and the terms you need to protect you and your money. What are the intellectual property and copyright issues and can you profit? After 22 years of entertainment deals, let me show you all that you need to know to sell your IP or negotiate the right license deal. 25. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Are you qualified to receive these lucrative opportunities? Which industries are most lucrative? What is the process and who makes the money? 26. ELDERLY RIGHTS AND ABUSE ISSUES Are you and your parents secure and protected? What are the laws and your rights? What are the health care due diligence you need to think about? The good, the bad, and the “look out for that one” rules to know about caregivers. This is a great event to arm you with critical knowledge to help educate yourself and your loved ones on what the laws are in this rapidly changing area of elderly law protection. 27. IMPORT AND EXPORT LAWS A to Z What are your rights and how do you protect and keep your money? What are the standard terms and the not-so-standard? Trust but verify. Quality control and what you need to insure you have it. Partners and investors, which one is for you? 28. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION A to Z State of the art information, are you ready? How will SEO help you make money, grow profits, and drive your business to more opportunities? In-house versus independent professionals, which is best? Analytics and key words, what are they and how do they benefit you? Websites and SEO strategies are intertwined, so plan this out correctly. 29. MARKET ENTRY, DEVELOPMENT, AND LAUNCH OF YOUR BUSINESS, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES Do you understand the plans, costs, risks, investor concerns, and your ability to pull this off successfully? Is your product ready? Have you done your due diligence, partner sourcing, distribution analysis, and competitors? Is there a demand for what you offer? After attending this event you will have a solid foundation as to what this will really take to develop your market entry and successfully launch your business. 30. BRANDING, CO-BRANDING & THE VALUE OF YOUR PRODUCT NAME Do you have what the consumers want? Do you understand branding and how it works? Does anyone want what you offer? Is there a brand value? How do you develop an interest? What about affiliates and marketing with them? What are your costs? Who is the right partner to brand with? 31. PRODUCING, TOURING, AND DEVELOPMENT OF LIVE PERFORMING EVENTS OUTSIDE OF AMERICA INCLUDING MUSICALS, ROCK CONCERTS, POP MUSIC, LIVE TELEVISION EVENTS AND LIVE THEATER/PLAYS So you want to be a promoter or tour manager? Or you want to invest in these types of projects? This event will be a thorough analysis of all that you will deal with in this industry, as well as the important contract terms you must know to make this a success. International markets and the “you’re not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.” Making money and making sure your foreign partners pay you. 32. LICENSES AND LICENSING OF YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: ARE YOU READY FOR ALL YOU DO NOT KNOW? What is the value of your license to the public? What are the limits of the license? Exclusive versus non-exclusive license, what are the respective values and/or benefits to you? What contract terms are essential for you to negotiate? What about upfront fees versus percentage deals? You will leave this event with the information ready to take on the licensing industry, both as a licensor and a licensee. 33. OUTSOURCING BUSINESS TO CHINA What does this all entail? Is this a real opportunity? Is low cost your only objective? What about quality and quality control? What is time commitment by you, and what is realistic? What to know and what to avoid? All you need to know about your potential partners. How you do a due diligence on your potential partners? What are the risks versus benefits of using vendors from China? Which countries are your best partners? 34. CHINA CULTURE, BUSINESS, NORMS, PERSONAL ETIQUETTE, AND UNIQUE IDIOSYNCRASIES All you need to know to survive in the wild-wild east that only a few decades of being there can teach you. Do you want to know the true culture issues of doing business in China? This event is funny and very educational for all persons and/or companies already doing business in China or thinking about doing so. 35. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ENTITIES So you want to do business internationally, do you know which legal entity you need to have and why? Due diligence and culture understanding are critical for success and survival in international deals. What are your protections, risks, and “Home-towning” concerns? Joint ventures versus contract agreements or versus local country style formations. How do American courts look at international agreements? Key points to consider in your decision making choices. 36. INTERNATIONAL TRIALS AND LITIGATION A to Z Understanding foreign laws and their applications to your contract, do you have any idea what this will be like? Unless you have done it or have practical law experience like me for 22 years, the answer is probably ‘no.’ International litigation and trials are scary stuff, so you need to really understand what you are getting into. Do you know where to begin? What is your end game? Did you negotiate the favorable terms at the beginning?What are those terms? What terms to avoid? What are the costs and procedures in Europe and Asia? What are the differences? Will you get “hometowned? 37. CPA’S AND ACCOUNTING ISSUES Learn about Ethical and Legal Standards for CPAs. 38. DEALING WITH VENTURE CAPITALISTS AND HOW THEY THINK 39. ART EXHIBITIONS GOING TO CHINA OR PROMOTING THEIRS IN THE USA What process and how do you protect your intellectual property in a deal with the Chinese? Costs versus revenues, do you understand them? Who should be a partners and who should be an investor? Remember, knowledge is King and we are here to deliver it to you. |
What will you learn from the events and publishing? Each event is customized but it is our intention to provide attendees workable and efficient information on:
What will you learn from the events and publishing? Each event is customized but it is our intention to provide attendees workable and efficient information on:
- Business knowledge you can use today
- How to do it, when to do it, and with whom
- Successful patterns of behavior
- Be the dominant player in your market space
- Picking the right partners
- Investors yes or no
- Sales and marketing
- Financial structures to consider
- Partners yes or no and what type
- Operations and management
- Competitor analysis
- Legal issues to think about
- Due diligence methodologies